June 10, 2009
I've been in something of a blogging slump lately. It's not that I don't have anything to blog about--boy, do I! But, my time and energy to sit down and put thought into my blog just hasn't been there due to the amount of activities going on!
I apologize in advance, but this post is going to be pretty picture-heavy. I am going to let the photos do most of the talking for me.
We had Luke's 6th birthday party at our house last Saturday, June 6. We rented a really fun inflatable obstacle course.

It was super fun for the kiddos.

Not so much for Daddy and Mommy. We are old, decrepit, and stiff.

We had a pirate birthday party, complete with Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom on the cake. (Yes, I did lick the icing off them. It was a surreal experience. Their picture was also on the party cups. I figure that's about as close as I'll ever get to putting my lips on Johnny Depp. I hear he probably tastes of nicotine, so it's just as well that I never kiss him. Sigh.)

We started this action-packed week with swim lessons:

Followed by a trip to Tupelo, Mississippi to see "Night at the Museum 2"

Luke told me on the way there that 2,000,000 people live in Mississippi, but the number seemed to be going down pretty quickly, "because we are meeting so many cars going to Alabama. They must like Alabama better."

I like his logic.
On Tuesday morning, we went to summer reading program where we learned all about milking cows--especially this one, Lucille.

I had lived my whole life without actually seeing the milking process. I think I would have preferred to keep it that way. Just like hamburger meat, bacon, and chicken nuggets (well, sorta), I know where it comes from. I don't need to see the process. It made me nauseous. So they gave us ice cream. I had to pass.
We hit the road to Fayette later. On the way there, I got behind a truck with weird Gothic/Baroque letters that said something I couldn't really read. I sped up and tailgated a little to make it out. It looked something like this, only with loop-ier letters.

I swear to you, I thought it said "Mama Fried," which of course, led me to think about Paula Deen (and my mom):

which ALWAYS makes me think about me and Jamie Deen (swoon):

I digress...
Then, we headed to swim lessons again.

Afterwards, we decided to check out the splash pad at the Guthrie J. Smith Park in Fayette.

It was really awesome, save for the strange people who were playing fully clothed. In BLUE JEANS. NOT SHORTS, JEANS. Ahem. And the teenage girls who were wearing white t-shirts, black shorts, and bras. Gross. Really Gross.
This was one of the other gross parts:

A bunch of kids stopped up the drains with plastic bags, their BODIES, and other various junk to make a pool. Creative, yes. Sanitary, no. My inner germaphobe began to have a seizure when this large group of kids began "motorboating" in the newly-formed pool.
I distracted myself by looking at this car:

You gotta love the mag wheels on Grandma's ride.
Tuesday night, we saw the Disney movie, "Up." I am not ashamed to say I cried a little, and not just for what we paid for popcorn. It's a good movie.
So, that's been a little part of my week. What's new with you? Seen any good movies lately? How about a Mawmaw-mobile with big wheels?
There WILL be more posts this week. I have a special one for Friday that I wouldn't miss for anything!
Y'all come back, ya hear?