Tuesday, May 26, 2009
My nemesis:

Our battleground:

The intended beneficiaries:

My solution:

The result:

Oh yeah! The ol' greased pole trick works! He looked like a tiny, hairy fireman sliding down that pole. The look on the squirrel's furry little face when he slid down was priceless. He tried about 7 times during breakfast this morning and then took his slippery little paws elsewhere. It was awesome.
If this story was not interesting to you, maybe these pictures will be:
Luke with a big
booty (Yes, that's what we call it. What about you? And, no, he wasn't pretending to be me.):

A baby riding in a dump truck:

No? Well, you can't say I didn't try.
11 delightful comments:
I never thought of using vaseline!
I've been waging war for over a year now. The squirrels dig up some of my potted plants and bulbs each year. I figured putting up the feeder figuring was pointless.
WOW. Vaseline? That is hilarious. I want to get a metal bird feeder just to torture squirrels in that way!!!
Oh I am SO doing that, and right now. That squirrel in our backyard has been taunting me for too long. It's go time.
Well you KNOW I'm excited about the Vaseline. The only way to make it better would be to post a dog at the bottom of the pole.
I wonder if Vaseline can make a window screen slippery like that, since that's what our ninja squirrel holds onto while stealing from the birds. I'll have to get back to you on that...
Hehehe....classic! Great story about the squirrel! So funny! Found you on Cookies Mean God Loves You's site! Very funny blog!
This is too funny! Love the pictures of that nasty squirrel trying to get up to the bird seed! Great thinking!! Great pictures!!
I love the squirrel trick!! Pesky rodents!!!
Great idea! I've been fighting those squirrels for years!
That is clever!!! Not the booty thing, or the dump truck thing, although those pics are great too. The Vaseline thing is what I'm talking about...what a great idea! I'm sure you had endless hours of amusement watching the squirrel's futile attempts to climb the pole!
Thanks for the tip. We also have a constant battle with those squirrely squirrels. We just bought some ceramic feeder at Lowes because we figure they can't destroy those. But they still climb up the pole! I'm buying some vaseline today!
The squirrel thwarter is awesome. Now, how do you keep them out of a garbage can?
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