The really funny part happened right after the video stops at 12 seconds... Since Emma had never gotten a hit in a real game before, she didn't know that she was supposed to stop once the pitcher for the other team had the ball. After she tagged first, she kept trucking on to second, and motored on around to third. Meanwhile, I am having a total "Forrest Gump" know the one:

(Unfortunately, our game tonight and our tournament this weekend has been canceled due to the uproar over fears of swine flu. It actually works well for me, in that I needed the extra time to finish up last minute details for the "Mothers & Others" luncheon, but I hate that she is missing out on playing time.)
Also on Monday, we FINALLY made it to Chuck E. Cheese. Unlike our last ill-fated trip, we actually set foot inside this time.
Luke's favorite game:
They had so much fun--so did I. I did, however, really feel like I needed to be hosed down by a decontamination unit by the time we left there.
Happy Friday, y'all!
8 delightful comments:
Just out of curiosity, can y'all see that video? If so, is it ridiculously large and covering up half the page? Or is that just me?
So happy for your daughter! And so funny that she didn't know to stop! Reminds me of my father when he played a game years ago, he hit the ball and never dropped the bat. Ran all the way to first holding on to the bat. Come to find out that was the first time he ever played here in America and he said as boys in Germany they always held on to the bat. Funny! Love the pictures and you're very brave to go to Chuckie Cheese!! Enjoy your day!
Awesome! So, did she score? :)
Chuck E Cheese...aka the tarpits of disease! I don't even want to know what's in those ball bins they have there. I hope you went to Sam's and got the gallon of Purell!
She did score! I can't believe I forgot to mention that... (Her team lost anyway, though.)
That is so cool. And I was humming "Rocky."
As for Chuck E. Cheese, I cannot admire you more right now. Chuck E. Cheese is a little glimpse of hell for me. Enough to keep me on the straight and narrow.
I Loooooove Chuck E Cheese! More than my daughter, I think. :0)
Loved the softball story. As for Chuck E Cheese, my kids love that game most of all. Cuz at least where we live, it's the one that dumps the most tickets on you.
Is that why Luke likes it too?
Oooh Chuck. We took the kids there last week for Strip's birthday, and I agree, they should have one of those chemical hose down things as you exit (you know, where you get naked and they hose you down in the little yellow tents). Glah!
Also, should I be concerned that my sweet little girl's favorite game was the one where you shoot battleships?
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