November 2, 2009
Thanks to all my kind bloggy-friends who offered prayers and sympathy in the loss of my grandmother. I know that she is at peace now, and I derive comfort in knowing that her earthly suffering is over and that she is in the presence of my Savior.
With that said, I feel like I should re-cap the last week and a half or so in pictures. It's been an action-packed time!
On October 24, we headed to Harpersville to check out their Pumpkin Patch.

They had a huge selection of pumpkins, including the World's Tiniest Pumpkin that Emma found:

Luke's highlight of the day was picking cotton. He told us that when he grows up, he is going to move to Harpersville and pick cotton for a living.

We had the Fall Festival at our church on October 25.

Emma dressed up in her Orca Whale costume:

Luke dressed in his Bottlenose Dolphin costume:

This is the spread of candy we came home with:

Thank you, church family. Our dentist thanks you, too.
Luke demonstrated that he is just as Type A as I am when he sorted it into categorical piles.

In Luke's words, this is the "chocolate dump pile." Yeesh.

Of course, what is the point of sorting if you do not sample?

Emma modeled a spider ring and vampire teeth found in the candy mix:

We attended the Fall Festival at school on October 29. Both Luke and Emma won books in the "Book Walk."

The Festival was fun, but so unbelievably crowded!

I finished carving everyone's pumpkins on Saturday afternoon, before we went trick or treating.
Emma's dolphin:

Emma's orca whale:

Jason's pirate:

Luke's Big Al:

Luke's Alabama "A":

My Tootie Dog:

Four pumpkins make for a lot of pumpkin seeds and meat!

We roasted all the seeds--yummy! As for all the meat....well, Emma requested pumpkin pie and Luke asked for pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. We'll see if that happens!
Somewhere over the course of the evening, Luke slipped into a sugar-induced coma at the thought of eating a tangerine:

One last thing: I dressed Tootie up for Halloween.

She really wasn't feelin' it.
Have a great Monday, everyone!
8 delightful comments:
Since I have a chihuahua I know that look on Totties face too well. lol Mine hates when I dress him. lol Looks like ya'll had lots of fun!
I laughed out loud at the Chocolate Dump Pile. I'm sure it will turn into that...eventually.
Great pics - and I am SUPER impressed with your family's mad pumpkin carvin' skillz! WOW!
The dog dressed up - not so much.
I think your dog may have been cursing you...
Someone call PETA!!!
Poor pup!
Love your pumpkins! Glad to see that you are back. I understand your feelings about your grandmother well. My Granny passed away last year & while I miss her, she definitely went to a better place. Sending hugs your way!
Great pumpkins. Love how your kiddo sorted the candy!
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at our blog. Nice to "meet" you too.
I've never seen a pumpkin that small before, I didn't even know that was possible!
I like the Book Walk idea, we always had a Cake Walk at our fall festivals growing up, but I would've liked a book walk much better!
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