My Grandma died today.
I am saddened by that fact. I am joyful that I know she knew and loved Jesus and that He was so important in her life. She lived 85 long, difficult, but blessed years.
I mourn because my Daddy has to bury the woman that sacrificed everything for him and his brothers. She always made sure that her boys were fed, even though times were hard and money was short. She did her best to raise them to be good men.
Both of my hard-working Grandmas labored side-by-side in a sewing plant. One day, they decided that their single son and daughter needed to go on a blind date. I'm glad they took the initiative to set their kids up. I have both my Grandmas to thank for the fact that I even exist.
I wish my kids had known the Grandma I had when I was their age. Long before the evils of dementia stole her mind from her, she would take the time to sit down with me and sew clothes for my Barbie dolls. She made them lacy undergarments and slips and even some suits for the Ken dolls. She didn't have to do that. She had a lot of demands on her time--from her health problems, to household chores, farm duties, and a husband who wasn't always kind to her. She made an 8-year-old girl feel so special that she would take the time out of her day to do nice things for me.
Grandma had health problems long before I was born. She had to have a brain tumor removed, which left her face drawn and slightly disfigured. She had slight paralysis of her mouth, an eye, and one side of her body. She was really self-conscious of how she looked. It never bothered me. In my mind, that's just what Grandmas were supposed to look like. I never realized how hard it was for her.
Grandma made the most unbelievable biscuits that I'd ever eaten. I've never had anything like them, and I wish so much that I'd gotten her recipe. I asked her once, years ago, but her mind was already so far gone that she couldn't remember how she made them.
I am thankful that she taught me about Jesus. I am glad that even though she knew a lot of pain in her life, she was still happy and considered herself blessed. She sang God's praises for as long as her mind and body would let her. I can only hope that I will do the same.

We love you, Grandma Hayes. We'll see you again one day.
13 delightful comments:
Oh Lianne, that made me tear up. I lost my grandmother a few years ago and it's still hard. I'm so glad she knew Jesus and you'll see her again one day.
Lianne you just made me cry...I'm sure your grandma is looking down on you and your family today rejoiceing in heaven..she will be your guardian angel...we have had our share of loss and knowing that there not suffering and there in heaven...makes the pain alittle more bearable..if you need anything please let me know...I lost my grandma 6weeks ago&my grandpa 19 yrs ago and orbs not a day goes by I don't think bout them...again if u need anything please let me know...
Such a sweet post. Made me remember my grandma. She made these cookies that there was no recipe for, only in her head. And even though we tried, my mother could never get the measurements correct.
Sorry for your loss, but so happy that you know where she is and that you will one day see her again!! Sending prayers to you and your family!!
Love, Lois
That was an amazing remembrance... wow! I will be praying for y'all over the next week - I know it's not going to be easy, but joyful all at once. Let me know if you need anything!
Sorry to hear about your grandmother!
I just realized that you live in Winfield, I grew up in Guin and all of my family is still there!
It is such joy to have hope in Christ...I'm thankful with you. Also praying for you and your family.
Lianne, I'm so sorry for your loss!She sounds like she was a really special woman. I imagine there was a big party in Heaven when God called her Home. Praying for you and your family.
I will celebrate with you and will pray for your family, especially your daddy. This holiday season will be tough, but knowing she is with Jesus is such a wonderful blessing.
Jane said: Lianne, I'm so glad that I was able to meet your grandma. She seemed like such a sweet lady who loved you and your dad very much. The story that you wrote to memorialize her was very touching and reminded me so much of my Nannie(Meemaw's mother). I know she would have been so proud of these loving and sentimental reflections on her life. Thank you for sharing!
I'm sorry for your loss but I understand the joy. Precious post.
Just checking in to see how you're doing. How are you doing?
I am so sorry to hear about your grandma, she was a special person.
Sad but joyful says it all~
Glad you got the WhistleStop goodies!
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