October 15, 2009
Martha Stewart, have you lost your mind, woman?
This is SO WRONG.

But, seriously, Martha Stewart? If you made this hideous costume for your precious child, what do you do with it? Just leave the kid lying on the table? I mean, good grief! You can't take Junior anywhere in the car, and he doesn't look like you could even pick him up. The aerodynamics are all WRONG.
I am shaking my head at you Martha Stewart. Blecch.
9 delightful comments:
Gives new meaning to "so cute you could just eat him up"
She was in prison- she has a dark side. :)
Yet another strike against Martha...
That is seriously wrong.
oh my word! seriously so wrong.
That is awful! Who in the world would even let their child pose for a picture in that costume!
Forget the head coming out of the butt...I think the whole costume is a butt...a big brown butt
No, no, no. That's all I can say.
~ Signed, Yoli with Love
p.s. still speechless
That's totally nasty.
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