At bedtime earlier this week, Luke shared this jewel with me:
Luke: "Mommy, there was this guy at school today. I told him what I wanted for Christmas."
Me: "Oh really? Who was it? Did you tell one of your friends?"
Luke: (With an exasperated eye roll [Where did he learn THAT?]) "Nooooo! It was just some guy. And Colin told him that he wanted an iPhone."
Me: (Remembering that it was Santa picture day at school) "Oh, you mean you told Santa?"
Luke: "Uh, NO. I told you, it was just some guy. It wasn't the real Santa."
Have a great weekend!
4 delightful comments:
Yeesh. Add this to my list of things I'm so not ready for!
LOL - too cute. Best of luck to you on THAT one!
Oh my... Let us know how that talk turns out!
Yes, that would be a huge present. How cute. Let me know if he gets what he wants!! I think I have two kids here who would love that gift as well!
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