Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Are You Fully Charged?

September 30, 2009

In a recent sermon, Brother Tim mentioned that the purpose of Sunday services was to recharge us spiritually and to prepare us for the week ahead. My mind immediately went to my constant companion—my cell phone.

The wonderful phone I have now can do almost anything. I can check the weather, sports scores, and send e-mails all at the touch of a button on my phone. The downside of this fabulous technology is that it EATS battery power. If I don’t plug it into a battery charger every single day, it is nothing but a useless hunk of metal and plastic that serves no purpose.

The same is true in my relationship with God. I can go out and carry on with all my responsibilities as a mom, wife, daughter, church member, and citizen—but at the end of the day, if I have neglected my relationship with God for the day, I am spiritually empty. I need to continually “plug in” to a body of believers and get my spirit recharged so that I can be the best servant of God that I can be.

If you find yourself running low on power, remember who is the source and owner of all power. He will recharge and renew you in all ways.

13 delightful comments:

Jill said...

That's a great way to think about my quiet time - an instant "charge"!

Rachel said...

...and sometimes it helps to let the cell phone battery die in order to fully focus on recharging with God.


Mrs. Jennifer said...

What a great analogy!!

...and haha, Rachel! So true!

Lois Christensen said...

Beautiful!!! I need to charge my cell phone battery every day as well and I so desperately need my spiritual battery charged daily also! Thank you!

Unknown said...

What a good reminder!!

Gina said...

Very well said!

jasonS said...

Great analogy. I may have to steal that for a sermon. :)

j said...

That is a great way to put it!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Christen said...

What an awesome analogy!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Lianne~ you are a winner. Drop me an email with your addressa nd I send you a box of whistlestop goodies.

Apron of the Month Club said...

Hi Leanne, I was just over that Whistlestop Cafe and they they mentioned that you won their giveaway. Congratulations.

Thanks for your post and reminding us that the all mighty God is the source of power & love.

Sister in Christ,

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

sandimcmc(at)yahoo(dot)com is my personal email.

j said...

Checking in.

You know, I think I've said it before but I will say it again... I think you have one of the coolest blog titles around!