September 21, 2009
We had all the ingredients for a Perfect Storm: Alabama football, pouring rain, crazy high humidity, and my sweet Angel of a daughter:
Emma is not a football fan. In fact, she really didn't want to go to the game last Saturday. The only other game Emma had been to was the infamous contest against Southern Miss that resulted in "The Catch."
It doesn't get better than that, people! Big Time. She hated everything about the game experience. We took her to an A Day once after that, but I don't even like those, so I understood her angst.
I had talked the game up as much as I could and had even bought matching shirts for the two of us girls to wear. It didn't help my case that we had to (1.) Get up early on a Saturday morning or (2.) Drive in the pouring rain for over an hour to get to Tuscaloosa. I made the mistake of telling her that I brought a poncho for her that had Care Bears on it. She gave me the stinkiest Stinkeye that has ever been. (In my defense, it was a poncho that I'd bought when she was 6 or 7 and she had never worn.
Note to self: Care Bears are NOT COOL for 4th graders.)I was happy to see that the rain completely stopped the second Jason parked my car. As we got out (preparing for our 8 mile hike to the stadium--another plus for Lil' Miss Grouchy), Emma handed me her Nintendo DS, so she'd "have something to do during the game."
Oh dear.
Emma complained less about the trek to the stadium than I thought she would. Jason upgraded our tickets, so we didn't have to hike to the top of the back of the stadium, so that helped her mood a lot, too.
The game kicked off. I glanced over at Emma.
She was actually watching the game...and she looked interested. (Luke was totally into the game. He is Terrence Cody's #1 fan.)
She wasn't cheering or anything, but at least she wasn't complaining.
We scored a few touchdowns. I dared look at her again.
She was
Halftime rolled around. The Million Dollar Band put on a fantastic show, as always.
And, glory be, Emma was still happy.
We scored another touchdown or two. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw this:
Emma was
cheering and signaling a touchdown. Who are you and what did you do with Emma?
The action slowed a little bit with the second stringers in, so Daddy sweetened the deal with popcorn and sodas for everyone:
Food and caffeine ALWAYS help. (Yes, I am sunburned. Yes, we were sitting in the shade. Yes, it was a mostly overcast day. I am a special kind of pale.)
It may have helped that we promised Emma that we were going to go out for Italian when the game was over. Emma is a big, big fan of noodles. Noodles ALWAYS make Emma smile.
Alabama won the game 53-7, which kept everyone in a great mood. We managed not to get rained on at all, so all in all, it was a pretty perfect day. (By the way, the Nintendo Game never came out of my backpack! Score!)
We had dinner at Mr. G's Italian Restaurant with Grandma and Grandpa. No sooner than when we sat down, the bottom absolutely fell out of the clouds. There was torrential rain, lightning, and thunder all around us. It stopped just as it was time for us to leave. God is so good.
I can't help but think of the quote from Bear Bryant, "God smiled on the Tide today." I think God smiled on the Robinson family, too! I am so proud of Emma having a good attitude and making up her mind to have a good time!
Note: Emma said she had a great time, but doesn't think she wants to go to any more games this year. I am totally okay with that!