Monday, August 17, 2009

An update on Elliot

Elliot has been in surgery pretty much all day. I have been getting updates off his mom's Facebook page. Apparently, we have generated a lot of traffic on her page today. We've managed to crash it multiple times! (Thanks a lot, Facebook. Really.)

So far, the surgeons have managed to locate the ends of his esophagus, which was difficult, due to scar tissue that had built up from the last 2 surgeries. They have put stitches in the ends of his esophagus and are preparing to connect the ends together. I can only imagine what a delicate process this must be!

Heather has been a superstar to keep her Facebook page updated every time the surgical liason nurse comes out to keep her in the loop. I know that she and Jay are on pins and needles and cannot wait for the awesome news that this ordeal is over.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers. I know that Heather and Jay can feel their sustaining power. Keep 'em coming!

1 delightful comments:

Valerie said...

Oh goodness my friend's grandson will be going through the same process very soon. I'll definitely be saying a prayer for Elliot!