Me: "Does it fit?"
Luke: "Ummm. No. I don't think so."
Me: "What's wrong?"
Luke: "It's too tight in the soldiers."
Me: (Failing to stifle a giggle) "In the WHAT?"
Luke: " It's too tight ON MY SOLDIERS!"
Me: (Guffawing) "Where is THAT?"
Luke: (Points to shoulders.)
Gives all new meaning to "Going Commando," doesn't it?
I added this to Wendy's "Life is Funny" Blog Carnival. Check it out!

9 delightful comments:
Thank goodness he didn't point elsewhere... ;o)
THIS is one of your best!!!!!!!
Thanks you for the smiles!
Love, ~Mad
Love it!!
That is so super awesome. I love it!
He is a serious hoot! I love it!
Yes, I would have to agree with blogger number one!!!
Cute story. Hope you're feeling good!
HA HA HA HA HA! How bloomin' funny!!!
Oh yeah, I was totally thinking he was gonna....what Wendy said! LOL. Great post. Glad you managed to get this done before you passed out from the shrimp and grits and homemade blah blah blah...(I'm not jealous.....much)
LOL!! It reminds me of a time when Flowergirl called me her "breast friend." Looooove what kids come up with!
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