Has God ever spoken to you through a song? I had it happen to me a couple of weeks ago as I sat in church. It had been one of THOSE mornings. You know, one where the kids didn’t want to get up, didn’t like their breakfast, one had sniffles, the other didn’t like their clothes, the baby didn’t sleep, and my shoes hurt my feet. Yeah, one of THOSE mornings.
As we opened our hymnals to “Count Your Blessings,” I realized right then that I had not been counting my blessings; instead, I had been numbering my sorrows. How much easier and naturally that comes to me! God has blessed me with a wonderful, healthy family, godly parents, good health, and everything else that I need, yet, my focus is on what I don’t have, can’t obtain, and what isn’t going the way I wanted it to. How short-sighted of me!
I felt like God was telling me that it was high time that I change my perspective on things. I could choose to wallow in my sorrows, or I could praise Him for what He has done, is doing, and will do. I could train my eyes to the ground and be mournful, or I could “lift up my eyes to the hills… [to] the LORD,
Who made heaven and earth,” (Psalm 121:1-2).
Who made heaven and earth,” (Psalm 121:1-2).
It did me good to be reminded that God is in control over all. He knows my sorrows, even the petty ones, and He still chooses to bless me, despite all my shortcomings. I am so thankful to God that He loves me enough to show me what I’m doing wrong…and He’s just gentle enough to do it in a song.